Our results

The results of our work have been published and made available to the scientific community, professionals and the general public. We also create new varieties of fruits and vegetables, most often in partnership.

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Benoit Danilo, Laura Perrot, Kostlend Mara, Emmanuel Botton, Fabien Nogué, Marianne Mazier

A panel of 300 tomato accessions including breeding materials was built and characterized with 11,000 SNP. A population structure in six subgroups was identified. Strong heterogeneity in linkage disequilibrium and recombination landscape among groups and chromosomes was shown. GWAS identified several associations for fruit weight, earliness and plant growth.

Patrick Lambert, Jose Antonio Campoy, Igor Pacheco, Jehan-Baptiste Mauroux, Cassa Da Silva Linge, Diego Micheletti, Daniele Bassi, Laura Rossini, Elisabeth Dirlewanger, Thierry Pascal, Michela Troggio, Maria-Jose Aranzana, Andrea Patocchi et Pere Arùs

Leandro Oliveira Lino, Igor Pacheco, Vincent Mercier, Franco Faoro, Daniele Bassi, Isabelle Bornard, Bénédicte Quilot-Turion

Lebaron, C., Rosado, A., Sauvage, C., Gauffier, C., German-Retana, S., Moury B. and Gallois JL.

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