The Pepper Genetic Resources Collection

The pepper belongs to the large Solanaceae family in which the genus Capsicum includes all peppers. There are several species of Capsicum of which 5 are cultivated (annuum, frutescens, chinense, baccatum and pubescens) and twenty remain wild.


The Pepper collection started at INRAE in 1962 and currently includes more than 1,500 accessions belonging to five cultivated species as well as 7 related species. These accessions are from around the world (over 80 countries), presenting characteristics of shape and colour specific to each country.

Diversité des fruits de piment

A Genetic Resources Network was established in 1998 involving 12 partners including 9 seed companies. This network aims to share the availability and dissemination of genetic resources by participating in their maintenance and evaluation.

As a result of this network, the national Capsicum collection has 85 accessions and consists of old varieties, lines selected at INRAE and accessions known for the presence of identified genes, used for example for resistance to diseases.

⇒ View the national Pepper collection on the GnpIS website

There are also scientific collections that have been created at INRAE, required for the research programs: populations of recombinant inbred lines, doubled haploid lines derived from androgenesis ... representing about 900 accessions.

⇒ To find out more about the Pepper research program: follow this link



Diversité des piments conservés par l'INRA

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  • Poster of the “History of the introduction of the tomato and pepper” 

In this folder

The Solanaceae Genetic Resources Network of seed vegetables has been managed by the CRB-Leg since 1996. It has allowed sharing of materials and the burden of maintenance and phenotyping between partners.