An approach to assist in plant breeding: Identifying SNPs tightly associated with major Mendelian characters in peach

Patrick Lambert, Jose Antonio Campoy, Igor Pacheco, Jehan-Baptiste Mauroux, Cassa Da Silva Linge, Diego Micheletti, Daniele Bassi, Laura Rossini, Elisabeth Dirlewanger, Thierry Pascal, Michela Troggio, Maria-Jose Aranzana, Andrea Patocchi et Pere Arùs

Marker-assisted selection (MAS) has been little implemented in peach breeding. This was notably due to the low number of available markers, and/or to their limited transferability when crosses developed from different genetic backgrounds are used. To solve this, we have genotyped six progenies derived from twelve unrelated parents, in segregation for a set of six major Mendelian characters (five characters of the fruit and resistance to the green peach aphid), using the Infinium® II array of Illumina containing 9000 SNPs (IPSC 9K array v1). The resulting genetic maps allowed identifying a set of SNPs strongly associated with the different phenotypic variants. Furthermore, the comparison of these results with those obtained from a genetic association study based on the same SNP array, allowed identifying a set of common SNPs, which thus provides a sound basis for the construction of haplotypes and the implementation of marker-assisted selection for these characters, in peach breeding programs.

See also

Tree Genetics & Genomes 12:1-21 DOI 10.1007/s11295-016-1080-1