SENSIVAR (2021 - 2023)

Evaluate the sensitivity of varieties of peaches/nectarines and apricots to different pests and diseases

Evaluate the sensitivity of varieties of peaches/nectarines and apricots to different pests and diseases

The objective of the project is to set up specific systems to assess the behavior of varieties with respect to problematic diseases and pests, with the aim of improving the resilience of orchards and minimizing crop losses in future orchards.

In this project, particular attention is given to peach leaf curl, a disease caused by the fungus Taphrina deformans. The presence of a significant inoculum in all the production basins and the long incubation time of the disease require preventive control requiring several phytosanitary treatments. Since the budburst of the different varieties are not synchronous, it is difficult to conclude on differences in susceptibility by simply observing the damage, insofar as the varieties compared are not subjected to the same inoculum exposure. An in-depth analysis of the multi-site and multi-year dataset will attempt to assess the risk related to phenology and weather conditions.

Partners : Fruit experimental stations SUDEXPE, SEFRA, CENTREX, INRAE