SOLNUE (2019 - 2022)

Tomato and eggplant nitrogen utilization efficiency in Mediterranean environments

The SOLNUE project has four main goals :

1) identification and selection of tomato and eggplant genotypes contrasting for nitrogen use efficiency (NUE);

 2) improvement of knowledge on morpho-physiological and molecular traits in NUE-contrasting tomato and eggplant genotypes;

3) genotyping and phenotyping of segregant populations for associations/QTL related to low nitrogen responses with special focus on eQTL controlling the response to low N-stress (ASE; BSA RNAseq);

4) setting up of genomic selection based on whole genome information.

Partners : Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria (Italy, coordinator), Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), CREA (Italy), INRA (UR GAFL)