INVITE (2019 - 2024)

INnovations in plant VarIety Testing in Europe to foster the introduction of new varieties better adapted to varying biotic and abiotic conditions and to more sustainable crop management practices

The project aims at improving efficiency of variety testing and availability of information to stakeholders on variety performance under diversified production conditions and on biotic and abiotic stresses. It addresses DUS and performance testing in a balanced way and intends to maximize synergies between them through related activities based on phenotyping, genotyping, modelling and database management.

INVITE will focus on 10 crops. The identification of the research needs and main challenges to be addressed for each of the crops was based on main end-users needs (Examination Offices, CPVO, breeders, farmers), taking into account existing knowledge and projects. One expected impact is the introduction of plant traits into the testing protocols that respond to new challenges and demands in the conventional and organic sectors, while also taking into account the economic return of growers.

Coordinator : INRA IRHS, 29 partners