CAUSSE Mathilde

02 August 2016



Main Scientific Interest

Genetic control of tomato fruit quality traits (QTL mapping and cloning)

Impact of environmental stress on fruit quality; G x E

Natural diversity and association genetics in tomato

Integrative systems biology and genomic approaches 


Leader of the research group "Diversity Quality and Environment  of Tomato ".  

The group works on Tomato fruit quality, genetic diversity and the impact of environment stress. It is composed of 3 scientists, 1 assistant engineers, 5 technicians, 3 PhD and 1 postdocs.

Coordinator/Partner of several research projects

-WP leader in the H2020  project HARNESSTOM (2021-2025)

- WP leader of the H2020 project TRADITOM (2015-2018)

- Coordinator of the ANR project "Adaptom" on the adatation of tomato to abiotic stress (2014-2017)

- Coordinator of the ANR Genomics "MagicTom-SNP" project (2011-2014)

- Module leader of Module 1 (organoleptic quality) of the large EUSOL European project.

- Coordinator of the PNRA-ANR project QUALITOMFIL: Tomato fruit quality all along the chain 


2004- 2012, Head of the Research Unit of Genetics and Breeding of Fruit and Vegetable, Avignon (France)

2001, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de l’Université de Montpellier

2000, Directrice de Recherches INRA

1995-2000, INRA UR GAFL, Avignon, Chargée de Recherches, QTL mapping for tomato fruit quality

1991-1995, INRA Station de Génétique Végétale Ferme du Moulon, Gif/Yvette ; Chargée de Recherches, QTL mapping in maize

1990-1991, Cornell University, Plant Breeding and Biometry Dept, Postdoc in S. Tanksley’s laboratory; “RFLP map of the rice genome”

1989, PhD of the University of Paris XI Orsay, “Genetic resources and breeding of African rice”  

Recent publications :


  • Petrovic I, S Savić,; J Gricourt; M Causse, Z Jovanović; R Stikić (2021) Effect of long term drought on tomato leaves: the impact on metabolic and antioxidative response. Phys Mol Biol Pl in press
  • Zhao J, C Sauvage, F Bitton, M Causse (2021) Multiple haplotype-based analyses provide genetic and evolutionary insights into tomato fruit weight and composition. Hort Res in press
  • Sinesio F, Cammareri M, Cottet V, Fontanet L, Jost M, Moneta E, Palombieri S, Peparaio M, Romero del Castillo R, Saggia Civitelli E, Spigno P, Vitiello A, Navez B, Casals J, Causse M, Granell A, Grandillo S. Sensory Traits and Consumer’s Perceived Quality of Traditional and Modern Fresh Market Tomato Varieties: A Study in Three European Countries. Foods. 2021; 10(11):2521. 2521
  •  Bineau E*, Diouf I*, Y Carretero, R Duboscq, F Bitton, A Djari, M Zouine, M Causse (2021) Genetic and transcriptome variation of tomato response to heat stress.  Plant J 107, 1213-1227
  • Bineau, E.; Rambla, J.L.; Priego-Cubero, S.; Hereil, A.; Bitton, F.; Plissonneau, C.; Granell, A.; Causse, M. 2021. Breeding Tomato Hybrids for Flavour: Comparison of GWAS Results Obtained on Lines and F1 Hybrids. Genes, 12, 1443.
  • Burgos E, De Luca B, Diouf I, de Haro LA, Albert E, Sauvage C, Zhao J, Bermudez L, Asís R, Nunes Nesi A, Guiraud T, Matringe M, Brehelin C, Ferrand C, Atienza I, Jorly J , Mauxion JP, Baldet P, Fernie AR, Quadrana L, Rothan C, Causse M, Carrari F (2021) Validated MAGIC and GWAS populations mapping reveal the link between vitamin E contents and natural variation in chorismate metabolism in tomato. Plant J  105, 907-923.


- Diouf  I, E Albert, R Duboscq, S Santoni, J Gricourt , M Causse (2020) Integration of QTL, transcriptome and polymorphism studies reveals candidate genes for water stress response in tomato Genes 2020, 11, 900; doi:10.3390/genes11080900

- Diouf I, L Derivot, S Koussevitzky, Y Carretero, F Bitton, L Moreau and M Causse (2020) Genetic basis of phenotypic plasticity and genotype × environment interactions in a multi-parental tomato population. J Exp Bot; Online ahead of print  doi: 10.1093/jxb/eraa265. 


 - Rothan C, I Diouf, M Causse (2019) Trait discovery and editing in tomato. A review. Plant J, 97, 73-90. doi: 10.1111/tpj.14152

- Zhao JT, C Sauvage, J Zhao, F Bitton, G Bauchet, D Liu, S Huang, D Tieman, HJ Klee, and M Causse (2019) Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies provide new insights into genetic control of tomato flavour. Nat Comm vol.10;



- Diouf IA, Derivot L, Bitton F, Pascual L and Causse M (2018) Water Deficit and Salinity Stress Reveal Many Specific QTL for Plant Growth and Fruit Quality Traits in Tomato. Front. Plant Sci. 9:279. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00279

- Stevens R, Baldet P, Bouchet JP, Causse M, Deborde C, Deschodt C, Faurobert M, Garchery C, Garcia V, Gautier H, Gouble B, Maucourt M, Moing A, Page D, Petit J, Poessel JL, Truffault V and C Rothan (2018) systems biology study in tomato fruit reveals correlations between the ascorbate pool and genes involved in ribosome biogenesis, translation and the heat-shock response. Frontiers Plant Sci. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00137

- Albert E, R Duboscq, M Latreille, S Santoni, M Beukers, JP Bouchet, F Bitton, J Gricourt, C Poncet, V Gautier, JM Jiménez-Gómez, G Rigaill, M Causse (2018) Allele specific expression and genetic determinants of transcriptomic variations in response to mild water deficit in tomato. The Plant J. 96: 635-650.


- Bauchet  G, S Grenier, N Samson, V Segura, A Kende, J Beekwilder, K Cankar, JL Gallois, J Gricourt, J Bonnet, C Baxter, L Grivet, M Causse (2017) Identification of major loci and genomic regions controlling acid and volatile content in tomato fruit and implications for flavor improvement. New Phytologist (doi: 10.1111/nph.14615)

- Sauvage C, Rau A, Aichholtz C, Chadoeuf J, Sarah G, Ruiz M, Santoni S, Causse M, David J, Glémin S (2017) Domestication rewired gene expression and nucleotide diversity patterns in tomato. The Plant J 91, 631-645 ; doi: 10.1111/tpj.13592

- Bauchet G, Grenier S, Samson N, Bonnet J, Grivet L, Causse M (2017) Use of modern tomato breeding germplasm for deciphering the genetic control of agronomical traits by Genome Wide Association study. Theor Appl Genet 130(5), 875-889 ; DOI 10.1007/s00122-017-2857-9

- Albert E, Segura V, Gricourt J, Bonnefoi J, Derivot L, Causse M (2017) Association mapping reveals the genetic architecture of tomato response to water deficit: focus on major fruit quality traits. J Exp Bot 67: 6413-30

All publications 

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