DOGIMONT Catherine

23 September 2016


Equipe REDD

Main Scientific Interest

Genetics and genomics of most relevant horticultural traits in melon in the context of a sustainable agriculture

Pest and pathogen resistance genes and breeding for durable resistance

Sex determinism genes and melon reproduction

Natural diversity and evolutionary processes that shape the variability of agronomical traits in melon

Multiple approaches: diversity studies, mapping of genes and QTLs, positional cloning and functional characterization of genes relevant for agriculture, reverse genetics using an EMS melon population, genome editing


Head of the INRA research unit Genetics and Breeding of Fruit and Vegetables (GAFL), Avignon

Research activities in the team Resistance to pests and diseases, Diversity and Durability (ReDD)

Functional diversity and evolution of agronomical traits in melon, especially traits related to reproduction and to pest and disease resistance

Building of novel genetic combinations and sustainable rules for managing pest and pathogen evolution through host plant resistance

Coordinator of research projects

PAUSE (2021-2023) Development and Floral Nectar Dynamics of Melons by Insect Pollinations. Prof Nebahat Sari.

Hubert Curien RILA France-Bulgaria (2019-2020) Genetic diversity and inheritance of sex and fruit characteristics in melon

Hubert Curien NAPATA France-Sudan (2017-2018) Enhancement of scientific cooperation to harness the genetic diversity of vegetable genetic resources in France and Sudan.

ANR Blanc MELODY project (2012-2016) Plant sex determination: functional characterization of the monoecy and gynoecy genes in Cucurbitaceae

INRA/seed companies MeliMlo Explore the natural and induced diversity of the Mlo genes to create a broad spectrum and sustainable resistance to powdery mildew in melon (2010-2016)


Partner of research projects

ANR NECTAR (2020-2024) New insights in the development and dynamics of floral nectar to improve the survival of insect pollinators and the pollination of Cucurbits

ANR DomIsol (2020-2026) Domestication as a step towards reproductive isolation, GAFL leader

ANR EPISEX (2018-2021) Towards understanding the epigenetic control of sex determination in cucurbits

CASDAR MelOpen (2017-2020) Open the access to a new unexplored diversity for breeding novel resistances to soil diseases in melon



2018 Head of the INRA research unit Genetics and Breeding of Fruit and Vegetables (GAFL), Avignon

2011-2017 Team leader Resistance and reproduction in melon

2012, DR2 INRA UR GAFL, Avignon

2002-2010, Team leader Functional characterization of plant-pathogen interactions

1993-2011, INRA UR GAFL, Avignon, Chargée de Recherches, Genetics and functional characterization of agronomical genes in melon

1992, PhD in Plant Genetics and Pathology of Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon, Genetics of resistance to three unrelated viruses in pepper

1987, Master in Engineering, INA -PG, Paris, France, Master in Plant Genetics and Breeding

Most relevant results

Identification of a new mechanism of virus resistance involving intracellular vesicle formation (Agaoua et al. Plants 2021. DOI: 10.3390/plants10102139; Agaoua et al, J Ex Bot 2022. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/erac135.)

Positional cloning of aphid and virus resistance genes Vat, Prv and Zym in melon (Brotman et al. 2013; Dogimont et al., 2014; Dogimont and Boissot 2016; Boualem et al. 2016; Adler-Berke et al 2021)

Positional cloning, functional characterization and evolutionary history of genes involved in sex determination in Cucurbitaceae, CmACS7, CmACS11, CmWIP1, CmLHP1 (Boualem et al 2008; Martin et al 2009; Boualem et al 2016; Latrasse et al 2017; Eleblu et al 2019; Boualem et al 2020; Rodriguez-Granados et al 2021)

Impact of CmACS7 and ethylene on fruit shape (Boualem et al, Current Biology 2022).


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