01 January 2021


Team Redd


Genetic control of plant diseases often relies on major-effect resistance genes. However, they are frequently impaired by pathogen’s adaptation, leading to resistance breakdowns. Plant quantitative resistance and tolerance are assumed to be more durable than major-effect resistance genes but experimental evidence is still scarce.

To explore the potential of these genetic resources, our goal is to measure the capacity of adaptation of plant viruses to plant quantitative resistance and tolerance, using the well-studied pathosystem pepper (Capsicum annuum) - Potato virus Y (PVY; family Potyviridae) as well as the understudied pathosystem pepper – Phytophthora capsici (Oomycete). First, we genotyped a doubled-haploid progeny and a core-collection of pepper using gene capture. These data will allow us to perform QTL mapping and genome-wide association to identify quantitative resistance and tolerance QTLs. Then, we implement different experimental approaches (experimental evolution in both pathosystems, gene and mutation mapping in virus biparental progenies or by genome-wide association) to identify the genes and mutations in virus genomes that are involved in their adaptation to plant quantitative resistance and tolerance.

Beyond genetic control of diseases, the project will unravel the genetic architecture of virus quantitative pathogenicity traits in interaction with plant resistance and tolerance genes, in order to better understand virus evolution and emergence.

My research if funded by the ANR project ArchiV:



Training and carrier:

2021 - Present: Postdoctoral researcher, INRAE, Genetics and Breeding of Fruit and Vegetables Unit & Plant Pathology Unit, Avignon. Véronique Lefebvre and Benoit Moury

Genetic architecture of quantitative traits in plant-virus and plant-oomycete interactions

2018 - 2020: Post-Doctoral researcher, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Gembloux, Belgium. Sébastien Massart

First project: Deciphering the intra-host genetic diversity of viruses: insights from the experimental evolution of BYDV

Second project: The Plant Health Bioinformatic Network (PHBN): a project aiming to build a community network of bioinformaticians and biologists working in plant health

2014 - 2017: Phd, INRAE, Genetics and Breeding of Fruit and Vegetables Unit & Plant Pathology Unit, Avignon. Alain Palloix and Benoit Moury

Adaptation of viral populations to plant resistance and exploitation of plant genetic resources to control this adaptation

2013 - 2014: MSc, second year, Evolutionary Biology and Ecology, University of Montpellier II

Second Master’s Degree Internship:  Impact of bacterial communities on the invasion success of the house mouse in Senegal, Center for Biology and Management of Populations (CBGP), Montpellier

2012 - 2013: MSc, first year, Biology of Organisms and Ecosystems, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis

First Master’s Degree Internship: Effect of inbreeding in the parasitoid wasp Allotropa burrelli, Institut Sophia Agrobiotech (ISA), Sophia-Antipolis

2009 - 2012: BSc, Biology of Organisms and Ecosystems, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis


Scientific communications:

2021 Experimental evolution of a plant RNA virus: a warning about spurious correlations when studying fitness changes. 18th French Plant Virology Meeting, Aussois, France. Oral communication.

2019 Semi-artificial datasets as a resource for validation of bioinformatics pipelines for plant virus detection. International Advances In Plant Virology, online conference. Poster.

2019 Impact of host plants succession on Barley yellow dwarf virus population genetics. International Advances in Plant Virology, Roma, Italy. Poster.

2019 Experimental evolution of Barley yellow dwarf virus in cultivated and wild Poaceae species. 17th French Plant Virology Meeting, Aussois, France. Oral communication.

2018 Impact of genetic drift, selection and viral accumulation on the evolution of an RNA virus within the plant. Modeling of adaptation in heterogeneous environments day (MEDIA group), Avignon, France. Oral communication.

2017 Impact of selection, genetic drift and viral accumulation on the evolution of a plant RNA virus. 16th French Plant Virology Meeting, Aussois, France. Oral communication.

2016 Quantitative trait loci in pepper genome control the effective population size of two RNA viruses at inoculation. XVIth EUCARPIA Capsicum and Eggplant Working Group Meeting, Kecskemét, Hungary. Oral communication.

2016 Impact of selection, genetic drift and viral accumulation on the evolution of a plant RNA virus. 13th International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium, Avignon, France. Oral communication.

2016 Quantitative trait loci in pepper genome control PVY and CMV effective population sizes at inoculation. Annual meeting of Ph.D. students of the Plant Biology and Breeding Division (BAP, INRAE), Lyon, France. Poster.

2015 Differential selection and genetic drift effects imposed by pepper genotypes on a composite virus population. Annual meeting of young researchers of the Plant Health and Environment Division (SPE, INRAE), Rennes, France. Oral communication.



Contact: lucie.tamisier@inrae.fr