26 July 2016


Equipe G2iP

Research Topic

Molecular biology technician in G2IP team. Genotyping, Genetics maps, Bioinformatics


INRA Avignon unité GAFL (Génétique et Amélioration des Fruits et Légumes) 2011-

INRA Rennes unité IGEPP (Institut de Génétique, Environnement et Protection des plantes) 2010-2011

Biogemma 2010

INRA Clermont Ferrand unité GDEC (Génétique, Diversité, Ecophysiologie des Céréales) 2007-2010

Licence Professionnelle Génie des biotechnologies végétales ;  Toulouse

IUT Biologie Agronomie ; Clermont ferrand

Selected Publications

Dynamic QTLs for sugars and enzyme activities provide an overview of genetic control of sugar metabolism during peach fruit development ; Desnoues et al; Journal of Experimental Botany ; 2016


The origin of the self-compatible almond ‘Guara’ ;  F. Dicentaa et al ; Scientia Horticulturae ; 2015


Characterization and genetic mapping of a new blood-flesh trait controlled by the single dominant locus DBF in peach ; Zhijun Shen et al ; Tree Genetics & Genomes ; 2013


RNA-seq in grain unveils fate of neo- and paleopolyploidization events in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) ; Caroline Pont  et al ; Genome Biology 2011


Combined meta-genomics analyses unravel candidate genes for the grain dietary fiber content in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) ; Umar Masood Quraishi et al; Funct Integr Genomics  ; 2010


Genomics in cereals: from genome-wide conserved orthologous set (COS) sequences to candidate genes for trait dissection; Umar Masood Quraishi et al ; Funct Integr Genomics ; 2009


Publication date: 21 June 2023