15 September 2016


Equipe G2iP

Skills area

Large data-set management

Statistical and graphical analysis in R

Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) analysis in R

Genetics and plant physiology


2013 – November 2016

Ph.D.: University of Avignon and the Vaucluse – INRA GAFL – Genetics and Improvement of Fruit and Vegetables – France

Study of the genetic variability of peach in susceptibility to brown rot during fruit development in relation with changes in physical and biochemical characteristics of the fruit.

2011 – 2013

Master: Genetics and plant breeding – Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) – Brazil.

Internship at Probatata, UFLA - Brazil. Study of agronomic traits and the oxidative response of potato genotypes under heat stress. Participation in experimental selection of potato for heat tolerance.


2009 – 2011

Master: Plant Physiology – Federal University of Lavras – Brazil.

Internship at Embrapa - Sete Lagoas - Brazil. Participation in implementation, data collection and analysis of water stress in sorghum plants.


2004 – 2009

BA: Agronomy - Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) – Brazil.

undergraduate scholarship at the biotechnology laboratory plant - UFU. Experience culture plant tissues, plant micropropagation and anther culture. Exclusive 20 hour commitment.


Oliveira Lino, L.; Pacheco, I.; Mercier, V.; Faoro, F.; Bassi, D.; Bornard, I.; Quilot-Turion, B. Brown rot strikes fruit: an ancient fight almost always lost. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry , v. 64, p. 4029 - 4047, 2016.


L. de Oliveira Lino, M. Génard, V. Signoret, B. Quilot-Turion. Physical factors for brown rot resistance in peach fruit. Acta Horticulturae, Aug 2016.


Figueiredo, I.C.R. de ; Pinto, C.A.B.P.; Ribeiro, G.H.M.R.; Lino, L. de O.;Lyra, D. H.; Moreira, C. M. Efficiency of selection in early generations of potato families with a view toward heat tolerance. Crop breeding and applied biotechnology (online), v. 15, p. 210 - 217, 2015.


Souza, T. C.; Castro, E. M.; Magalhães, P.C.; Oliveira Lino, L.; Trindade, E. A.; Albuquerque, P.E.P. Morphophysiology, morphoanatomy, and grain yield under field conditions for two maize hybrids with contrasting response to drought stress. Acta physiologiae plantarum , v. 35, p. 3201 - 3211, 2013.


Silva, A.S.; Lino, L. de O.; Bittar, C. A.; Luz, J.M.Q.; Rodrigues, T.M. Callus induction and embryo regeneration in coffea arabica l. Anthers by silver nitrate and ethylene. Revista ciência agronômica (UFC. Online), v. 42, p. 921 - 929, 2011.


Lino, L. O.; Luz, J.M.Q.; Neves, I.V.; Rodrigues, T.M.; Dias, l. A.; Arruda, A.S. Cinetina, ácido giberélico e bap na indução de embriões somáticos a partir de anteras de Cafeeiro. Plant cell culture & micropropagation, v. 5, p. 111-117, 2009.


Acronyme : G2IP

Année début : 2013

Année Fin : 2016

Financeur : FruitBreedomics” European Project (Seventh Frame Program; FP7-265582).


CAPES foundation and the Brazilian Ministry of Education, which supported the doctoral fellowship.


Name of the project  : Study of the genetic variability of peach in susceptibility to brown rot during fruit development in relation with changes in physical and biochemical characteristics of the fruit

Abstract  :

Brown rot, (BR) in peach fruits caused by the fungus Monilinia  spp. is a common disease that can provoke as much as 30 to 40% losses of crop. Currently, all cultivated peaches are more or less sensitive to BR. No other alternative than chemical treatment is available, hence fungicide applications are required until pre-harvest. Such applications are damaging the environment and may let residues in fruits. The aim of this study is to investigate the factors of resistance of the fruit to Monilinia. laxa at different stages of fruit growth and their genetic control by studying contrasted genotypes and an interspecific peach progeny.

Lien vers site web projet


Contact: leandro.lino@inra.fr

Publication date: 21 June 2023